Direct Line Group Ultimate Fixers Game

Working with insurance gurus Direct Line Group, we were given the challenge of gamifying the lead up to their new television campaign so that internal audiences were primed and ready to rock’n’roll.  

The theme was ‘ultimate fixers’, so we based the game on the games that everyone loves to play: arcade games. These games are for everyone and don’t take too much experience or know-how. Users drove their car throughout the game, collecting coins on their way to solve issues based on the insurance DLG offers, such as car, travel or home insurance. The user answers questions to win points and test their knowledge of the upcoming TV campaign. 

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A live leader board was displayed in each office location, promoting a healthy dose of competition between team members. The leader board also played rolling video, advertising the campaign and promoting the game. Winners all received prizes which helped amplify the interest. 

We also produced a companion app to theme, which hosted short videos and fun, bite-sized nuggets of content. Content was based on articles and videos from key internal stakeholders, which made sure the target message was loud and clear. 

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Post-launch, the game took over their intranet homepage to ensure maximum visibility (don’t blame us if productivity was down). The results were absolutely cracking: over 63,000 game views with 94% correct answers. Who says work can’t be fun?!

This impressive project, which made learning engaging and effective, has received well-deserved recognition. It was honoured with the Silver award in the Best Use of Digital from the financial services sector at the Digital Impact Awards. This external acknowledgement further underscores the project's success in combining education and enjoyment while enhancing the digital experience.

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